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                Mid-West 700, 710, 715 差压变送器

                Mid-West 700, 710, 715 差压变送器



                MID-WEST Models 700, 710, 715 差压变送器
                Mid-West Instrument Model 700 Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Transmitter utilizes a piezoresistive differential pressuresensor sensing element with stainless steel isolated diaphragm. Silicon oil is filled in between die and two diaphragms.The measured differential pressure is transmitted onto the die through the diaphragm and silicon oil. The signal outputgenerated by the piezoresistive bridge sensor is amplified into a useable voltage or 4-20 mA output as specifiedby customer. 1 Year Limited Warranty
                Common ApplicationsMonitor Differential Pressure Across:
                Local Flow Indication
                Factory Pneumatic Air
                Heat Exchangers
                Strainers, Pumps
                Pitot Tubes
                Level Applications
                Product Features
                0-5 PSID (0.35 bar) to 0-300 PSID (0-20.0 bar)
                Use with Liquid or Gas media compatible with material of construction
                Full stainless steel construction, compact size, easy installation
                Laser welded, fully-sealed construction: NEMA 4X (IP65)
                Utilizes Piezoresistive Differential Pressure Sensor Isolated Diaphragm
                Zero Adjust / Potentiometer ±5%
                Span Adjustable / Potentiometer ±5%
                CE Certified to EMI / EMC Directive
                LCD or LED display available upon request
                (Available with DIN Connector & 4-20mA Output only, 2-Wire 20-28 VDC)
                Maximum Overpressure:
                (+) Hi-Side equals 2 times specified DP range
                Maximum Overpressure:
                (-) Low-Side is equal to specified DP range
                Maximum Static Pressure 2,900 PSI
                Operating temperature limits – 14° F to 175° F.
                Storage temperature is -40° F to 200° F
                Sensor is temperature compensated from 32° F to 122° F
                Materials Construction
                Pressure Port & Housing: 321 Stainless Steel
                Diaphragm: 316L Stainless Steel O-Ring: Viton
                Standard Process Connections: ¼ ” Female BSPP
                (1/4 BSPP x1/4” FNPT & 1/4” BSPP x 1/2” FNPT S.S. Adapters Available)
                Fill liquid: Silicon Oil