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                Mid-West 140 膜片差压表带差压◎开关和变送器

                Mid-West 140 膜片差压表带差压开关和变送器



                Mid-West 140 膜片差压表带差压开关和变送器
                Common Applications
                #  Filter/Strainer Monitoring
                #  Compressed Air, Hydraulic, Refrigerant
                #  Pump Performance Testing
                #  Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop Monitoring
                #  Water Treatment Applications
                #  Tank Level Monitoring Horizontal or Vertical
                #  Flow Monitoring & Balancing
                Product Features
                #  DP Ranges from 0-25 PSID to 0-100 PSID
                #  Elastomer Diaphragm Sensing Element, No Cross Port Leakage
                #  Up to 3000 PSIG Working Pressure (200 bar)
                #  Over-Range Protection, High over Low and Low over High
                #  Gauge Housings available in Aluminum, Brass, 316/316L Stainless
                Steel and Acetal Plastic
                #  Wide Range of Elastomers
                Product Features/Benefits
                #  Simple Rugged Designs
                #  Glass Reinforced Thermoplastic Gauge Front Is Standard
                #  Weather Resistant & Corrosion Resistant Gauge Front
                #  5 Year Warranty
                #  DP Ranges from 0-25 PSID to 0-100 PSID
                Available in a Variety of Equivalent Ranges and/or Flow Scales (Square Root)
                #  Accuracy ±2%* or ±5% of Full Scale
                #  Dial Size 2-1/2" Rd. (Standard) 4-1/2" Rd. (Optional)
                #  Working Pressure Alum and S.S. - 3000 P.S.I.G. Brass - 1500 PSIG
                #  Material of Construction – Body: Aluminum, Brass, or 316 Stainless
                #  Materials of Construction – Internals: 316 Stainless Steel and
                Elastomer Diaphragm
                Switch Options (Terminal Strip Interface)
                1 or 2 - SPDT 3W, 125 VAC/VDC, 0.25 amps
                1 or 2 - SPST (Normally Open) 25W, 240 VAC/VDC, 0.5 amps
                #  Electrical Enclosures NEMA 4X and NEMA 7
                #  CE Marked in Accordance With Low Voltage Directive
                #  Hazardous Locations
                Div I
                Div II
                Transmitter Options