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                Mid-West 200 压力释放阀↘

                Mid-West 200 压力释放阀



                MODEL 200Pressure limiting valve(200系列压力限制阀) 
                Protection of Pressure Gauges and Transmitters Components from Over Pressure
                The Model 200 “Gauge Minder” features a pressure limiting valve that blocks off excess
                to the instrument, preventing calibration failure, internal damage, and “blowout” from
                over-ranging - a principal cause of instrument failure.
                The Model 200 is supplied with a set of (3) range springs designed to set the shutoff point at
                any pressure from 50 PSI (3.4 bar) to 5000 PSI (340 bar). The automatic shutoff valve is positive
                closing and is non-chattering. Once closed, pressure need only be reduced approximately 10% of
                pressure to re-open the valve. No external reset is required. The accuracy of the instrument used
                with the Model 200 is in no way affected up to the set point of the pressure shutoff.