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                萨姆森Samson 3260-5824 三通调节阀

                萨姆森Samson 3260-5824 三通调节阀



                Electric Control Valves Types 3260/5824, 3260-4, 3260/3374
                Nominal size    DN 15 to 25 32 to 50 65, 80 100 to 150
                Nominalpressure PN 16
                Maximum temperature 5 1) to 150 3)
                Plug sealing Soft sealing
                Leakage rate Class IV acc. to DIN EN 1349
                Rated travel          mm 6 12 15 30
                Mixing valve Yes Yes Yes Yes
                Diverting valve Yes Yes Yes Yes
                Materials  Material no. according to DIN EN
                Body and seat Cast iron EN-JL1040 (GG-25)
                Plug Brass  Cu Zn 37 Pb
                Plug stem Stainless steel  1.4305
                Stem sealing 2) EPDM sealing ring
                Actuator Type 5824-10 5824-20 3374-11 3374-10 3274-13 3274-17
                Valve travel mm 6 12 15 30 30
                Transit time sec 35 35 120 240 120
                Nominal thrust kN 0.5 2.5 4.3 (1.8)
                Manual override Handwheel for 5824 Hex wrench  Electric Mechanical
                Power supply      V/Hz                24; 230/50 24; 230/110/50/60      24; 110; 230/50; 60
                Power consumption Approx. 4 Approx. 4 Max. 230
                ambient temperature 0 to 50 5 to 60 –10 to 60
                Degree of protection IP 54  3) IP 54  4) IP 65
                Additional electrical equipment 1)
                Limit switches 2 2 Max. 3
                Potentiometers 1 2 Max. 2
                Positioner                            2) Yes Yes
                1) See appropriate data sheet for maximum equipment combination
                2) Only with 24 V AC power supply
                3) With upright mounting position
                4) IP 65 with cable gland
