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                费希尔Fisher 646 电气转换器

                费希尔Fisher 646 电气转换器



                    Fisher 646-34 电气转换器
                1.     Small Size—The small size and light-weight design of the transducer facilitate mounting and provide improved space utilization.
                2.     Vibration Resistance—The transducer, used in a standard valve/actuator mounted application, exhibits an output shift of less than 1 percent of span when tested to SAMA Standard PMC 31.1, Condition 3.
                3.     High Output Capability—The output volume of the transducer is adequate to drive valve/actuator combinations without requiring a positioner or volume booster.
                4.     Low Air Consumption—The transducer has low air consumption which cuts operating costs.
                5.     Easy Maintenance—Modular design of the converter allows easy replacement in the field for reduced maintenance costs.
                6.     Superior Performance—The accuracy, linearity, and frequency response coupled with minimal hysteresis far exceed the requirements of most control systems.
                7.     Mounting Position Insensitivity—The 646 transducer will operate in any orientation.
                8.  Specifications
                8.1 Input Signal
                4 to 20 mA DC, constant current with 30 VDC maximum compliance
                8.2 Equivalent Circuit
                The 646 equivalent circuit is a series circuit consisting of a constant
                voltage drop (battery) of approximately 2.1 VDC and a total resistance
                of 143 ohms. Input is shunted by three 6.8 V zener diodes
                8.3 Output Signal
                0.2 to 1.0 bar (3 to 15 psig) direct acting only
                8.4 Supply Pressure(1)
                Recommended: 1.4 bar (20 psig)
                Minimum: 1.4 bar (20 psig)
                Maximum: 3.4 bar (50 psig)
                8.5 Maximum Steady-State Air Consumption(2)
                Air consumption is proportional to output pressure. Maximum consumption at 1.0 bar (15 psig) output is 0.20 normal m3/hr (7.8 scfh).
                8.6 Electrical Classification
                    Intrinsic Safety, Explosion Proof
                9.  Options
                9.1  Output pressure gauge
                9.2  Regulator, Gauge, 67CFR-224