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                费希尔Fisher C1压力控制器

                费希尔Fisher C1压力控制器



                费希尔Fisher C1压力控制器
                新型专利设计可以减少稳态空气/天然气消耗,减少量约为先前产品减少量★的1/10。费希尔Fisher C1压力控制器通过比较过程压力(或压差)和操作设定点,为相邻控制元件发送一个气动信号,使过程压力值等于或接近设定值。压力控制器 C1压力控制器能够感知过程变量,并发送气动信号到直接显示或记录过程测量数据的设备。
                C1B Pneumatic Controller
                Pneumatic controller with bellows sensing element, aluminum case and cover, aluminum relay with stainless steel trim, stainless steel output bellows and internal tubing, pressure gages are brass with ABS case.
                Approximate shipping weight is 20 pounds. Complies to ATEX Group II Category 2 Gas & Dust.
                C1D Pneumatic Controller
                Pneumatic controller with differential bellows sensing element, aluminum case and cover, aluminum relay with stainlesssteel trim, stainless steel output bellows and internal tubing, pressure gages are brass with ABS case.
                Approximate shipping weight is 20 pounds. Complies to ATEX Group II Category 2 Gas & Dust
                C1P Pneumatic Controller
                Pneumatic controller/transmitter with bourdon tube sensing element, aluminum case and cover, aluminum relay with stainless steel trim, stainless steel output bellows and internal tubing, pressure gages are brass with ABS case.
                Approximate shipping weight is 20 pounds. Complies to ATEX Group II Category 2 Gas & Dust