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                费希尔Fisher 167DA 保位阀

                费希尔Fisher 167DA 保位阀



                费希尔Fisher 167DA 保位阀

                167DA and 167DAS are three-way switching valves.


                Body Size and End Connection Style
                PortsA and C:
                1/4 or 1/2 NPT
                Vent and Control Pressure Connections (Port D) and Port B:1/4 NPT


                Maximum Inlet Pressure (Body Rating)
                400 psig / 27,6 bar 


                Temperature Capabilities
                Standard Bolting :-20° to 180ºF / -29° to 82ºC
                Stainless Steel Bolting :-40° to 180ºF / -40° to 82ºC
                Fluorocarbon (FKM):0° to 300ºF / -18° to 149ºC


                Approximate Weights
                Types 167D and 167DA:1.2 Pounds / 0,5kg
                Types 167DS and 167DAS:2.8 Pounds / 1.0kg


                SetPressure Range(Select One)

                Three-Way Switching Valve


                Port A or C as Inlet

                14 to 20psig / 0,97 to 1,4bar

                16 to 35psig / 1,1 to 2,4bar

                25 to 60psig / 1,7 to 4,1bar

                40 to 125psig / 2,8 to 8,6bar


                Port B as Inlet

                7 to 20psig / 0,48 to 1,4bar

                10 to 30psig / 0,69 to 2,1bar

                25 to 50psig / 1,7 to 3,4bar

                40 to 90psig / 2,8 to 6,2bar
