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                塔塔里尼Tartarini FL系列调压器

                塔塔里尼Tartarini FL系列调压器



                塔塔里尼Tartarini  FL系列调压器
                塔塔尼尼Tartarini FL调压器是精确的指挥器作用式压力平衡型软阀座调压器,专为高压传输ζ 与城市门站、大流量分输系统和发电厂的气源供应而设计。 塔塔尼尼Tartarini FL系列提供流畅、安静的操作、严密切断和长◇使用寿命。塔塔尼尼Tartarini FL 系列现可选全新 SRII 型消音器,亦可选 SRS 型消音器,适用于极端工况
                Type FL-BP  : Low Pressure Regulator or Monitor
                Type MFL-BP  : Low Pressure Regulator + Monitor
                Type BFL-BP : Low Pressure Regulator + Shutoff
                Type FL  :  High Pressure Regulator or Monitor
                Type MFL :  High Pressure Regulator + Monitor
                Type BFL :  High Pressure Regulator + Shutoff
                Construction Materials
                Type FL Main Valve
                Main Body and Flanges : Steel
                Sleeve and Disk Holde r: Steel
                Diaphragm Plates : Stee
                Types FL, FL-SR, and FL-SRII
                (Same Inlet and Outlet Size)
                NPS 1 / DN 25
                NPS 2 / DN 50
                NPS 3 / DN 80
                NPS 4 / DN 100
                NPS 6 / DN 150
                NPS 8 / DN 200
                NPS 10 / DN 250
                Types FL-SR/SRS and FL-SRII/SRS
                (Different Inlet and Outlet Size)
                NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100
                NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150
                NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250
                NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250
                NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300
                NPS 8 x 16 / DN 200 x 400
                End Connection Style (Select One)
                CL300 RF
                CL600 RF
                Outlet Pressure Range (Select One)
                Type PRX-120/125/131
                14.5 to 26psig / 1.00 to 1.8bar,
                23 to 44psig / 1.6 to 3.0bar
                41 to 80psig / 2.8 to 5.5bar
                73 to 123psig / 5.0 to 8.5bar
                116 to 210psig / 8.0 to 14.5bar
                203 to 334psig / 14.0 to 23.0bar
                319 to 435psig / 22.0 to 30.0bar
                Type PRX-AP/120/125/131
                435 to 1160psig / 30.0 to 80.0bar